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Recessed Lighting
It’s impossible to have an up-to-date look in a home without
contemporary lighting. Recessed lighting is a key element to have in any home.
Whether you’re renovating or building your home, recessed lights are something
to consider. Recessed lights are functional and add a modern look to a home.
They subtly update any space with a timeless look. Recessed lights can function
as both ambient and task lighting.
1STOPlighting is proud to present a wide selection of recessed lighting for the indoors,
under cabinet, and in the shower. With many application options and sizes to
choose from, we carry recessed lighting trim to match all of the recessed
housing for both new construction and remodel applications. We are your 1STOP shop for all your recessed lighting needs, including recessed housing, recessed trim, recessed LED lights, mini recessed lighting, multi recessed lights, and recessed light accessories.
Why to Buy
If you’re looking to update the look of a space, lighting is
one of the first things you should consider. Recessed lighting is clean,
contemporary, and completely out of the way. The simple style adds modern taste
to the home. Don’t be fooled by the small size—recessed lights emit large
amount of light, despite their small size. They subtly add that extra element
of light.
Well lit rooms look bigger. It’s a simple fact, but it’s an
important one. Recessed lights naturally open up a space, making it appear
bigger. These fixtures get rid of those dark corners that make a room look dim
and small. A bigger and brighter room makes for a more welcoming and
comfortable home space.
Where to Use
Recessed lighting can be used in essentially any space. Some
common areas to install these fixtures are the kitchen, living room, hallways,
and closets. Recessed lights are particularly great for the kitchen. These fixtures help illuminate the entire space. Recessed lights can also accent artwork in the home. No matter how
beautiful a painting, sculpture, or photograph is—if it’s not properly lit, it
won’t stand out. Recessed lights help highlight artwork, and show the beautiful
details of a piece. Recessed lights also
illuminate areas that are of special architectural interest. Show off the
special details of your home with recessed lighting.
How to Effectively Use Recessed Lights
Recessed lights should be installed a few inches from the
wall, to allow the space to properly absorb the light. While recessed lights
are bright, it’s not the best idea to illuminate a room solely through recessed
lighting. Recessed lighting is best when it enhances the layered lighting; but
alone, the light will be too harsh and uninviting. Install these lights in
addition to other fixtures like lamps, ceiling fixtures, and chandeliers.
To avoid unwanted shadows, avoid installing a recessed
fixture directly above where you’ll be sitting or performing tasks. Light from
directly above will produce shadows, so instead, install the fixture in front
of what you’re lighting.
Sizing and Final Tips
A common question customers ask is, “What size should I
get?” The size of your room will determine how large the recessed lighting
fixtures should be. Six inch lights are ideal for two story rooms or rooms with
high ceilings. 4 inch recessed lights are preferred for spaces that are
smaller, such as a hallway or a small bedroom. A common mistake people often
make is placing recessed lights too close to each other. Another mistake is
installing recessed lights in the middle of a room. Instead, they should be
installed closer to the wall. A general spacing rule is to space four inch
lights four feet apart, and six inch lights six feet apart.
We offer only the best. All
1STOPlighting’s Recessed lighting products are from fine American lighting
manufacturers such as Sea Gull Lighting, Progress Lighting, and WAC.
1STOPlighting's lighting consultants,
with over 30 years of combined experience, are ready and willing to assist you
in designing a customized lighting plan incorporating Recessed lighting
fixtures – such as recessed under cabinet lighting, Recessed shower lights
lamps, and general recessed lighting around the home to create just the right
lighting effect. Our large selection of Recessed lighting is matched by
unsurpassed customer service that includes real-time customer assistance
through our toll free number and the lowest prices on the web GUARANTEED
through our Preferred Customer program. We look forward to meeting all your
Recessed lighting needs.
Thank you for letting us serve you.